
Andreanus Splendens Common Broom

(Cytisus scoparius `Andreanus Splendens`)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 It is one of the most beautiful of all Common Brooms, which provides a very impressive sight by its opening bi-coloured blooms en masse in May and June! The large, broad upper petal (which is called `sail` in botany) is yellow, the two lower petals (these make up the so-called `boat` in botany) are red! (There are two, side-positioned protruding petals too, these are the so-called paddles.)
This is a small shrub reaching a bit taller than 1 metre of height. It likes to grow on a good permeable soil  in a sunny, warm place. It does not like stagnant water, but perfect for keeping in a container. Its winter-hardiness zone is 6a, so it can be successfully raised practically everywhere in a garden in Hungary! In places with the coldest frost nook some fallen leaves can be used to cover it for the winter.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 6a

Size: 15-30

Package: CSP9x9