
Desert Spoon

(Dasylirion wheeleri )
8 950 Ft

 It is a yucca-like plant with bluish-green leaf colour, is native to the southwestern US and in the northern states of Mexico, which grows up to 1.5-2 metres height. By the older age, it develops a serious trunk as well! In June, it opens its showy flowers on a three-metre tall stalk. It is a hardened plant with good frost tolerance, which can be raised successfully in the open in places exposed to hot sun and well-drained soil in most parts of the country, except the harshest locations.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű Szárazságtűrő

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 7a

Size: 20-30

Package: K2