
Plum Dabrowicka

(Prunus domestica 'Dabrowicka')
This plant is currently unavailable.

PLUM „DABROWICKA”: a variety turning very soon into bearing, with a vigorous growth. It is a regularly and richly productive variety from Poland. The fruit ripes in the first half of August, medium size, 30-35 grams, very beautiful dark blue colour, with a thick wax finish on the skin; the flesh is greenish yellow, pleasantly sweet-sourish, harmonious, and the stone comes apart from the flesh easily (free-stone). This is a plum variety displaying a very good resistance to diseases.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone:

Size: 25-40

Package: K2