
Abies lasiocarpa (Rocky Mountain Fir)

(Abies lasiocarpa)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 Western Canada mountains form a huge forests, small fields in Alaska to occur, and occur naturally only in places not reached down to the Mexican border! It also demonstrates how adaptable species are involved, which is also explicitly flashy! TUI is relatively soft, narrow, steel-blue color, the shape of the tree very pretty young, dense, conical, organized into older age floor.

In addition to the primary benefits trees planted in parks predilection, backyard, amazing color and shape due to or as a Christmas tree is very popular!

If we pay attention to the first 1-2 years bit her (especially Weed control and irrigation in dry weather), we have also developed beautifully, 2-3 years later, has also ignores extreme droughts in poor soils and hot sunny and hot, dry conditions thereafter how many!

Very beautiful pine and tempered, which is a striking garden ornament!

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű Szárazságtűrő

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone:

Size: 20-25

Package: K2