
Hemerocallis sp. 12 plants!

(Hemerocallis sp. 12 db!)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 For the price below, we send you 12 pieces strongly advanced stems with bare roots consisting of more sorts!

We offer 12 strong, advanced, bare-rooted plants of our collection - which consist of more dozens of beautiful varieties -, and these plants in most cases already bloom at spring, right after planting! (The compilation of plants contains more sorts!)

The daylilies belong to the most tolerating, the most grateful, the longest-lived, perfect winter-hardy perennials! In addition, they are flowering in a period of the summer when the hottest weather rules outside and besides annuals, we can only delight in relatively few other flowering plants! Hemerocallis is excellent for decorating the gardens of holiday houses where the owners or guests mainly stay in the summer time!

USDA Zone 5a

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 4b

Size: 20-40

Package: SZGY