
Pagoda Redvein Enkianthus, Furin-Tsutsuji

(Enkianthus campanulatus `Pagoda`)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 It is a deciduous, fully hardy ornamental shrub from Japan, which is a distant relative of fetterbushes (genus Pieris). Its off-white, bell-like flowers marbled with red open in clusters of umbrella en masse in May! The foliage gets flaming red colour in autumn! It is a very attractive ornamental shrub which can grow as tall as two meters, likes nutrient-rich, slightly acidic soil (we can facilitate it by mixing brown fibrous sour peat or pine bark into the soil!) and a good water supply. Both sunny or a half-shaded place is favourable for its growing. It is not so widespread in our country (Hungary) yet, but it is strongly recommended for planting because it is a plant of very high ornamental value!
USDA Zone 6a

Light: Napos helyre Félárnyékos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: pH semleges
pH savanyú

USDA zone: 6a

Size: 10-25

Package: CSP9x9