
Spanish Broom

(Spartium junceum )
This plant is currently unavailable.

 This plant is widely spread in the Mediterranean region. It looks like having no leaves (because the small leaves soon fall from the new shoots), grows 3-metre tall, a winter-hardy shrub. Its downy green twigs form a dense thicket. The large golden yellow butterfly flowers bloom almost all summer, sometimes in great numbers, so it will be very spectacular in a dry, sunny location! The plant can be grown in a large container, just needs a little cover outside the container in winter, so the roots will not freeze.

This is a generally applicable rule, even with winter-hardy plants, the container, that is the roots should be protected from excessive cooling down in winter, since the roots of the soil planted plants are not exposed to excessive cooling or freezing, however the ones of a container plant left outside do. The easiest way of protection is when, for example, a discarded blanket is put around the container or, if we have several of these plants, pushed them together in a sheltered corner, for example the containers can be covered around by piles of wood chips. A good solution is sinking them into the ground, but we can protect our favourites in many other ways too!

USDA Zone 7a

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 7a

Size: 30-60

Package: K2