
Amelanchier-Sorbus hybrid

(Amelasorbus raciborskiana )
This plant is currently unavailable.

 A HYBRID OF AMELANCHIER AND SORBUS `AMELASORBUS RACIBORSKIANA`: This is a cross-breed of Amelanchier asiatica and a Sorbus species. This is one of the rarest of fruit-growing plants, even in collections it can be met only once in a while! It grows into a smaller tree of 6-8 m in height, with a roundish crown. Its inflorescences bloom in April-May. Its dark green foliage turns into a lovely orange-red colour in Autumn. It likes a sunny or half-shadowy exposure, and grows best in a water-permeable soil, rich in nutrients. It has a moderate vigour in growth.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone:

Size: 100-150

Package: K2