
Cane Cactus / Tree Cholla / Walking Stick Cholla 10-piece Pack

(Cylindropuntia imbricata 10 db!)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 Sufficient quantity for planting a 6 to 7 meters long impenetrable wall of cacti at a very serious discount price!

It is a lovely plant ranging from Texas to Colorado, which can grow up to a height of a man. Its long, cylindrical, dark green shoots are covered with yellowish-white spines. Examining the thorns under a microscope, tiny backward-standing mini-thorns can be seen at the points of the long thorns: they cause the cruel feel of burning when bite into the skin and break into. Its vivid purple flowers bloom in June and are strikingly beautiful. We send advanced lush bushes! It is perhaps the only winter-hardy cactus, which you can raise as a hedge, because it may reach even two metres in height by its older age! Even a Jedi Knight cannot get through a-metre-wide wall of cacti!

It survives easily the harshest cold that can occur in Hungary!

USDA Zone 5a.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű Szárazságtűrő

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 5a

Size: 30-40

Package: K2-3