
Berberis thunbergii ’Pow Wow’ (Pow Wow Japanese Barberry)

(Berberis thunbergii ’Pow Wow’ )
This plant is currently unavailable.

Very unusual variety of barberry, which forms an upright, narrow, dwarf column, final height is about 1 meter. The young leaves are bright golden yellow, later turn green splashed with white and pink, than the color changes to yellow, orange and red in autumn. Looks best when grows in full sun, but doesn't mind getting some shade during the hottest part of the day. Needs well drained soil. Excellent border plant.
Hardiness Zone: 6a.

Light: Félárnyékos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: pH semleges

USDA zone:

Size: 20-30

Package: K2

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