
Amur Honeyberry, Siberian Blueberry

(Lonicera kamtschatica `Amur`)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 It is a Slovakian bred, sweeter, large-fruited Kamchatka Blueberry sort, which yields berry crop abundantly. It is not picky in soils, and can easily survives very hard winters. In principle, a sunny location is also good, but its leaves may burn slightly when a very hot or dry period sets in in our country (Hungary) in summer, therefore planting it in semi-shade is more practical just as watering it in case of a drought (!), and it is true for all the other varieties of honeysuckles as well.

Light: Félárnyékos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 3a

Size: 20-30

Package: K2