
American Tulip Tree K8

(Liriodendron tulipifera, K8)
This plant is currently unavailable.

We send great, developed plants of almost as tall as a man!


It is a vigorously growing, spreading deciduous tree. Its leaves (which are tulip shaped) turn into beautiful yellow in autumn. Its large tulip-shaped, greenish-white or yellowish flowers bloom in summer and orange-red markings can be seen in the throats of the flowers. It is planted in great numbers in the sylviculture due to its rapid growth and valuable wood (soft, lightweight, easy to process) primarily in the United States, but an experimental planting near Ivánc, in the floodplain of River Rába, in our country (Hungary), has been established too. Although it is a good commercial wood, we prefer its great ornamental value. It is a particular plant indeed and several-century-old huge specimens can be found in many places in our country too. In its original homeland this tree can reach nearly 60 metres in height and 3 metres in trunk diameter!
USDA zone 4b

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 4b

Size: 120-160

Package: K8