
Sun-Yellow Pear from Szőkéd

(Pyrus communis `Szőkédi Napsárga`)
This plant is currently unavailable.

 PEAR `SZŐKÉDI NAPSÁRGA` (sun-yellow from Szőkéd): ripe very early, from mid-July, big pears without stone-cells in the flesh, very delicious, sweet, butter-like melting, juicy, without becoming brownish and soft when ripe. The ground colour is a lovely sun-yellow, with red stripes when full ripe. A variety entirely resistant to diseases. Tree: a vigorous growth, upwards mainly. Even its foliage is decorative: dark green with a glittering lustre.

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: talajban nem válogat

USDA zone: 4a

Size: 30-50

Package: K2