
Araucaria araucana ( A. imbricata )

(Araucaria araucana )
8 500 Ft

It is a big tree in its native country, and that can only overwinter in a protected place is certainly a misconception! This is confirmed by (among other beautiful specimens in Hungary e.g. Pécs, Kiskorpád) two magnificent 10-12m tall specimens that can be found in Nemesbük (near Keszthely) and are around 25 years old!

This is a very flashy, special-looking pine, its oval-shaped, wide, dark green leaves are hard and prickly. Just interesting to mention: its large-size edible tasty seeds are consumed with love in its homeland, and even used for feeding animals as well (unfortunately)!

USDA Zone 7a

Light: Napos helyre

Moisture: Átlagos vízigényű

pH: pH semleges
pH savanyú

USDA zone: 7a

Size: 15-30

Package: CSP7x7